Course Description

This podcast features Dr. Jessilyn Dunn, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University. She discusses Duke’s Covidentify study, which is investigating whether the data from smartphones and smartwatches can help determine if someone will get COVID-19, and its severity. Learn more about how the study works: the technology used, time commitment for participants, questions participants are asked each day, and whether the data is protected. She also discusses their goals for expanding the study by translating it into other languages, adding more data sources, and developing digital biomarkers for other illnesses, like influenza. 

There are currently 4,400 participants in the study, and they would like many more! If you are interested in participating, visit

Our podcast host is Janet Kennedy of Get Social Health.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Podcast Interview


Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University

Jessilyn Dunn

Jessilyn's research focuses on developing new tools and infrastructure for multi-modal biomedical data integration to drive precision/personalized methods for early detection, intervention, and prevention of disease. She also serves as Assistant Professor, Track V of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke and is a member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute. She earned her BS in Biomedical/Medical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.